This site stores art works made by Andrew Clarke.
The Gallery Section is simply a chronological record of the works.
The 60For60 Section is a wonderful gift from my kids for my 60th birthday, in lieu of a real exhibition I was secretly hoping to hold. Read the intro and the descriptions beside each of the 60 works they selected and you’ll get a sense of how lucky a father I am.
The whole thing started with me needing to fill a wall at home and not being able to afford what I liked. So I had a crack myself and now here we are...
Acknowledgement: the works I've marked with an * aren't entirely original. By imitating or copying, I've learned a lot and kept my interest. To those whose works I've borrowed (some more heavily than others) - thanks for the inspiration.
None of these works are for sale – they're just a hobby passion. But if they trigger a reaction, positive or negative, all good.